
Book Signing at Fort Rucker

Today I had a book signing on Fort Rucker Base next to Enterprise, Alabama. While driving onto the base I felt a strong sense of pride, for the entire base and everyone on it was devoted to the protection of our country. It felt like entering another world where normal human selfishness and rudeness were forgotten.

I enjoyed my signing at the Post Exchange on base. Something I learned was that every, and I do mean every, man or woman in uniform removed their hat as they entered the building. It was amazing to watch the coordination and discipline.

As the day neared it's end there was one thing I was disappointed about. Of all the books I signed and sold, none had been to a man or woman in uniform. As I was leaving and already packed up an army soldier approached me to buy my book. 

What I inscribed in his book I meant with all my heart:

"Thank you for your service"

To the men and women that give their time to serve our country, I am truly grateful. <3


  1. What a moving and powerful experience, Dani!

  2. I LOVE your signing on his book. :) So glad you did it! So sorry I wasn't able to make this one. I'm so very proud of you. Love you!

  3. Oh my goodness! I love this post! It was so sweet. I love the picture.
