
Pressing Send

     After sixteen years of writing I finally did it. I made the proclamation that my writing was good enough to be let free and be publicized.

     I won't tell you how long I lingered the cursor over the 'send' button. Today I am remembering my childhood. My generation was fed: "You can do anything if you try" and "You can be anything you want to be." But along the way to adulthood those beliefs are replaced by the realities of life. Bills must be paid. Being an artist does not pay the bills.

     Today I sent a finished product to a publisher. Out into the world a piece of my heart goes. Though my journey as a published author is just beginning, I can share with you my experiences thus far. My battle over self-doubt. Letting down my guard. Learning to pick my battles about what I consider makes good writing.
     Writers, wanting to become published authors, are offered a multitude of avenues. I will share my journey, and perhaps help another who is braving this dream.


  1. Congratulations, Danielle! Having a book about to be out there is such an enormous step. I'll poke around on your blog to see if I can learn how you did it...

  2. It's so true about balancing your dreams and the reality of bills. It's about balance, you can't end up on the streets because you're following your dream, and you can't give up your dreams for something that your heart isn't in.

    Best of luck, Danielle :)

  3. I'm so excited for you Danielle! I can't wait to read your book. It sounds like it has been a long time in coming which will make it all the more sweet.

  4. Jenny,

    It's been a long journey. And there is still more to come :)

  5. Christine,

    What is the point of working if it is not towards something you enjoy?

  6. Johanna,

    Thank you! It is such a strange feeling to have my book "out there".

  7. Good luck! I'm on my third published book (self published) and it's a feat to get it all together. Each time does get easier!


    If you don't have a bottle of champagne- go get one!

  8. That's so amazing, Danielle! Congratulations! :) I look forward to reading about your journey as a published author!

  9. Kathy,

    You're right, champagnee is in order.


    Thanks :) I will keep you posted.

  10. Congratulations! I'm just at the beginning of my journey and I look forward to any insight you, and those alike, can share.

  11. Dappled Perception,

    My next blog post will be about social networking as an author. As always, I will be getting help in doing it. At this point, that is my best advice. Don't try to do it alone. xx

  12. Wish you the best of luck. Looks like we're on the same journey.
